Disease at poultry shows?
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Author:  JWK [ Thu Jul 04, 2013 3:41 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Disease at poultry shows?

The answer to your first scenario would be do both if it were me. In 37 years I have not seen a bubbly eye from stress along, stress actually triggers the respiratory disease that causes one of the symptoms being bubby eye. As you may know if its actually CRD then they cannot be cured, all that can be done is remove the symptoms but the fowl is a carrier for life, so I would remove the fowl and put it down. I also disagree with you totally on better to be safe than sorry it does wash and its a wise choice by any steward. As for your last scenario well clearly it was judged alive when it won the class so clearly if it was diseased then I would expect the judge to see that, so clearly the fowl suffered organ failure from stress and not a transmittable disease as we are discussing

Author:  RoosterisBillturd [ Thu Jul 04, 2013 4:14 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Disease at poultry shows?

I have no objection to a fowl being removed from a show or sale if it appears to be ill or infested, however I object strongly to your suggestion that a mere Steward or Club member may decide the fate of a fowl and pass a death sentence upon it. I can assure you that if I came back and found an empty pen and a bird of mine had been dispatched by a steward or club member that the police would be called and so would my lawyer and I would sue every member of the club involved. The very thought that a steward or club member could pass sentence upon any fowl in the pavilion except to order it from the pavilion is absolutely ludicrous and fool hardy to say the least. It is all very well to say that the fowl would be destroyed but in what manner I ask and by whom ? Which of the club members or stewards in this scenario is the qualified vet who will be tasked with the destruction of the fowl ??? Are we simply to take the opinion of some steward or club member without any form of Veterinary training ? The whole situation is purely hypothetical I doubt any club has or will simply destroy a bird on the say so of a club member or steward, to do so would leave them open to at the very least legal action for the owner.

Author:  JWK [ Thu Jul 04, 2013 4:55 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Disease at poultry shows?

IF it were in the terms of entry then you would have no leg to stand on and no police or lawyer could change that. If you read me carefully I say put down asap not on the spot so it would be taken away, kept seperate and then put down when possible and humainly.

Author:  RoosterisBillturd [ Thu Jul 04, 2013 5:37 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Disease at poultry shows?

JWK wrote:
IF it were in the terms of entry then you would have no leg to stand on and no police or lawyer could change that. If you read me carefully I say put down asap not on the spot so it would be taken away, kept seperate and then put down when possible and humainly.

Terms of entry can be anything written down by a club member in the dim dark past that does not mean that they are LEGALLY ENFORCEABLE. Interesting so when you say kept separate and then put down when possible and humanely, this is inferring that you could potentially deny the owner the return of his or her property ?, so who would have to foot the bill for the birds destruction ? the club and then send the bill to the owner will then dispute it and what will the club do then pay to have a summons issued to have the matter heard in the small claims court ??? Oh what a public relations nightmare that would be for the Poultry Community of Australia.

The entire argument is however moot as we are only talking hypothetically and whilst I enjoy a spirited debate this can only go around in circles I say you say and so on and on, but thank you for contributing it should give anyone that reads this thread something to think about.

Author:  JWK [ Thu Jul 04, 2013 6:21 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Disease at poultry shows?

It is enforceable if you sign the entry form, by signing it forms a legal contract. I agree you and I are going in circles but its been enjoyable.

Thanks for your views on the subject

Author:  Tom West Aust [ Fri Jul 05, 2013 7:22 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Disease at poultry shows?

I have also witnessed sick or injured fowl in both shows and auctions. In the case of shows they have always been removed and the owner is asked to remove them from the hall as for auctions well they are not always removed

Author:  LOOLOO [ Sat Jul 06, 2013 7:31 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Disease at poultry shows?

As long as they are removed quickly and without fuss thats all a club official can do


Author:  oozcorpse [ Sun Jul 07, 2013 1:32 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Disease at poultry shows?

Just to change the subject slightly but still on topic

Imagine how embarrassing it is when you have a bird that gets carsick :shock: :oops: :-? and you only find out when you are taking it to either a show or sale :oops: :( :roll: = yes birds can get car sick – I personally have 2 this happened to each time they were transported – red faced or what! :-? th_Noooo.gif :oops:

of course they were not exhibited - yes they recovered during the day only to start all over again on the trip home = they stay put now and are good healthy examples of the breed [smilie=a_doh.gif]

luckily none of their offspring have ever gotten car sick [smilie=a_goodjobson.gif]

Author:  chooklover101 [ Sun Jul 07, 2013 5:31 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Disease at poultry shows?

I think they have right to put the bird down, though sad, but the owners shouldn't try to sell them off sick. And it makes other birds sick :(

Author:  Raf [ Mon Jul 08, 2013 7:23 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Disease at poultry shows?

soozorps wrote:
Just to change the subject slightly but still on topic

Imagine how embarrassing it is when you have a bird that gets carsick :shock: :oops: :-? and you only find out when you are taking it to either a show or sale :oops: :( :roll: = yes birds can get car sick – I personally have 2 this happened to each time they were transported – red faced or what! :-? th_Noooo.gif :oops:

of course they were not exhibited - yes they recovered during the day only to start all over again on the trip home = they stay put now and are good healthy examples of the breed [smilie=a_doh.gif]

luckily none of their offspring have ever gotten car sick [smilie=a_goodjobson.gif]

I have heard of this with a few types of animals and even a duck getting car sick


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